Back to School Once Again

We don’t officially “go back to school” until next week, but this week is more of a practice run. We went to bed earlier last night, or should I say on time, so we can make sure next week’s shock of getting up before sunrise isn’t too terribly devastating. We are getting everything organized (clothes, pantry, etc.) so next week runs smoothly.

But what does all of that really mean? It means I’ve already set up expectations on how next week is going to go because that’s what happens when I go into auto-pilot mode. It’s hard for me not to have expectations in my life and to just accept God’s will. I still have this incessant need to try to control everything and it might make me go insane!

Thankfully, that’s where you fine people come in. You help me realize when I’m doing it. You remind me that I only have control over myself today. I shouldn’t worry about what other people are doing or how things will pan out in the end. I can be grateful. I can be content. I have a purpose to be the best version of myself.

So whether your kids are going back to school, you’re starting a new job, or you’re just simply starting a new season of your life, try to look at it with the lens of no expectation. No expectation means no disappointment when things don’t turn out the way you planned. Instead focus on what you can do today, how you can accomplish your goals today, and be intentional about the life you have today.

Way Out of Whack

Don’t you just love how the long holiday weekends can totally throw you for a loop? Being out of town since last Friday has definitely played a number on our schedule! But now we are back and it’s time to get back into the swing of things! 

I hope your productivity increases today (as I pray mine does too) and we all get back into our routines as quickly as possible. Good luck everyone…

Motivational Monday, But on a Friday

Many people need a motivational boost to start their week off on a Monday because they’re still tired from the weekend, they have to wake up earlier, or just the thought of everything they have to do that week is totally overwhelming. Well, I’m here to tell that some of us also need some supercharged motivation on a Friday.

I’m not saying we need motivation to get pumped up about Friday because we all love Fridays! (Woo-hoo! The weekend!) The motivation I’m talking about is for those of us who are mentally checking out early. I’m sure there are countless times you’ve said the following statements on a Friday. I just can’t wait to get out of the office! or I’m so glad it’s the weekend. Come on 5 o’clock! (I can’t even tell you the amount of times I begged the clock to work faster on a Friday!) 

But that’s the type of attitude I’m trying to make us aware of. I’m not saying to not be excited, but instead to focus on today with the same intensity you give to a Monday. Make an effort to be extra present today instead of solely focusing on the weekend. 

Just Focus on Today

When I think about all of the worries or fears or doubts I have, almost every single one of them is in the future. It’s not even something right here in front of me. Worried about how my kids will turn out; worried if I’ll ever be able to earn more money to contribute to the family income; worried that none of us will make friends in our new little community. Worry. Worry. Worry. I understand that some/most of those are ridiculous things to worry about, but they do pop into my head…a lot actually!

But what happens if I focus on today? What if, instead of worrying about things that are completely out of my control, I solely focused on today? I mean this is after all the culmination of life, right? Focusing on today and not tomorrow’s worries. (Easier said than done on most days.)

Not today, though. I will focus on today as today is my only guarantee. I’m not guaranteed tomorrow or next month or even next year, but I am here today. I’m not trying to sound like a Debbie Downer here, but I just woke up this morning and realized I was bumming myself out worrying about freaking everything around me and that wasn’t helping one little bit! So it’s time to try something new!

I hope you are encouraged to focus on today. I hope we can encourage each other to stop worrying so damn much and enjoy the people and the relationships right here in front of us.

Just for Today…

I promise to put others before myself. I will not drink. I will be motivated. I will take care of myself and those around me. I can push myself just a little bit harder. 

The thing is, I need to do all of these things every day. But big goals are accomplished with small victories! Without intentionally setting out to do these things today, how will they ever become a habit that continues on? How do I stop being so selfish unless I first start thinking of others before myself? How do I get motivated to lose weight when I’m not even willing to take a long walk? How will I make my dreams come true if I’m too scared to make that first move?

Small steps. Just for today. Take a small step in the right direction and who knows where it will lead you. 


What does it mean to be sober? Well, I know I can’t speak for everyone and I surely can’t speak for anyone’s experiences but my own. Webster’s dictionary describes Sober as:

  1. 1a:  sparing in the use of food and drink :abstemiousb:  not addicted to intoxicating drinkc:  not drunk

  2. 2:  marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor

  3. 3:unhurried, calm

  4. 4:  marked by temperance, moderation, or seriousness <a sober candlelight vigil>

  5. 5:  subdued in tone or color

  6. 6:  showing no excessive or extreme qualities of fancy, emotion, or prejudice

For me, I agree with everything above and I’d add a few little things from my experiences.

Sober means:

  • To try hard every day to make good choices
  • To put others above yourself because selfishness leads down the wrong path
  • To not give into temptation, even when it’s alluring and sounds amazing
  • To remember your WHY; Why am I doing this in the first place?

Maybe you agree, maybe you disagree. Bottom line is that being sober is a daily choice. Not a once in a lifetime statement someone makes and then never thinks about again.

Good luck in your sobriety today.


All we have is today. Whether it’s a good day or a bad day. The best day ever or the day you just want to crawl into a hole. Today is all we have.


I try to have a good attitude every day, but some days it is really hard. Maybe I force a smile when I really just want to scream. Maybe I’m extra nice to the person who frustrates me the most. Maybe I take more deep breaths than normal. It’s okay. Because all I can do is try. I can’t be perfect no matter what day of the week it is, but I can try.


Today, I promise to try to be the best version of myself. I promise to work on being patient, kind, respectful, honest, and all of the other good qualities I want to see people show to me. I want to be an example of a woman who is trying her best. Even when I come up short, that’s okay. I am only human after all.