That’s the Day That the Lights When Out in Our House

Okay, how many Reba McEntire fans do we have out there? (Okay, if you’re not a Reba fan, you may not understand the blog title reference.) But I digress.

Yesterday, we had a really bad storm roll through our neck of the woods. We ended up without power in our house for almost 2 hours. During that time, I realized HOW MUCH I depend on our electricity…for everything!! The kids and I were in the dark, under the bunk bed “fort,” and playing with our flashlights. It made me realize that I haven’t been taking enough time to simply play with the kids.

Sure, I spend a lot of time with them. I take them to school, pick them up, feed them dinner, give them baths, and put them to bed, but some of the in-between time is spent with them either zoning out on the couch watching TV or mom being busy in the kitchen making dinner.

I realized I need to take the time to appreciate these opportunities and times when we can just play. They can be kids and I can be mom. Nothing else to do. Throw away the To-Do list and simply exist with your kids. (I’m telling myself this over and over again as I type.)

But why do we have to have something as significant as a power outage to make us realize this? I’m not sure, but I’m not taking this opportunity for granted. So spend some time today with the people you love…just because! 🙂

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